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Master Class - June 2019


Data Analytics Master Class Series Banner


Getting More from ERP Data

Benjamin Johnson, CPA, CIA, Internal Auditor - Utah State University

Session Description

ERP systems have become the central system for most organizations where information is fed, captured, cultivated and ultimately used to make critical business decisions. It can also be a complex environment, one that is challenging to navigate, understand and extract value from – that is unless you use data analytics to unlock its value. This webcast covers how IDEA can be used to import, analyze and glean insights from ERP system data, such as Banner. The presenter will demonstrate how IDEA is used to test areas including Affordable Care Act data from human resources and student records. It will also cover how auditors saved hundreds of audit hours by using IDEA.

Learning Objectives

  • How to work with data stewards and understand data sources to identify areas where IDEA testing will be most effective
  • Understand the importance of standardizing non-financial data and dealing with outliers
  • Determine which aspects of a test lead to easy and useful automation

Speaker Bio

Ben has served as the Data Analytics Auditor at Utah State University since 2013 where he develops tests and reports from data from the University’s ERP system, Banner. His current role includes helping fellow auditors find the right data to support audits and develop automated processes. He has performed testing in both financial and non-financial areas of the institution, which built connections for internal audit with other departments on campus. Using IDEAScripts, Ben has automated monthly and quarterly testing to achieve higher levels of efficiency.


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