Protecting your organization is an essential part of doing business. In a risk-abundant world, you need confidence in your processes, controls and systems to stay a step ahead of business threats. Whether you’re focused on complying with the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) or working to create a culture of compliance, Audimation is your trusted partner dedicated to identifying risks before they impact profits or cause reputational damage.
We use a proven approach based on success with customers spanning all industries to help you gain a more robust view of potential risks, fraud and compliance gaps.
Secure. Success-Driven. Sustainable.
Our process includes gathering the right data, regardless of the source or file type, to provide you with a single source of truth you can trust. We develop and run tests based on your objectives and apply data analytics to dive deeper into specific risk areas.
We use a secure network to transfer data files and ensure your data is protected during each exchange.
Clients receive a written report of observations and results of the performed procedures
We deliver solutions that are uniquely designed to master your complex challenges, deliver services of any size and scope, on time with exceptional accuracy.
Our Services Include:
General Fraud Testing
Investigation Support
Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption
Sales & Use Tax
We use cutting-edge data analytics techniques to analyze 100% of large data sets to search for patterns that indicate potential fraud schemes or irregularities.
Our team includes Certified Fraud Examiners, audit specialists, CPAs and risk management consultants with deep experience using data analytics to turn risks into opportunities.
Examples of Services We Provide:
Bank Statement Importing and Testing
Travel Cards and Expense Reports
Procurement Cards
Fleet Management Cards
Duplicate Payments
Conflicts of Interest
Ghost Employees
Accounts Payable
Accounts Receivable
Let our experts help you identify potential fraud and control weaknesses by:
Acquiring data from disparate systems to compare data sets
Testing 100% of transactions to get a complete picture
Delivering a customized report of observations, including data visualization dashboards
We are experienced fraud examiners and investigators using top-notch technology to uncover potential fraud.
When issues or fraud is discovered, you need to respond quickly to address it swiftly to prevent further losses. Our team of experts has extensive experience investigating and recovering funds. Whether you suspect employee fraud, manipulation of financial statements or corruption within your organization, we can help you conduct a successful investigation.
Fraud remediation data analysis - We can profile the data from your fraud case and apply that profile to the rest of the company using data analysis to identify similar high-risk records.
Conduct interviews of associated persons or vendors
Review electronic records including email files and business documents for keywords or supporting evidence.
And more – make us part of your investigative team!
Let our experts handle your investigation from gathering evidence to resolution and building a sustainable testing workflow to prevent future issues.
Non-compliance with anti-bribery and corruption regulations including the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) carry heavy fines, in addition to reputational damage.
Audimation provides outsourced and co-sourced services designed to improve risk management and governance practices. Some of our specialties in these areas include:
High-risk country assessments
Offshore transactions
High-risk transactions and keyword identification
We can help you identify what data is needed to examine these critical areas and apply data analytics techniques to identify suspicious activities.
Our experts can also build a customized workflow to help you actively monitor high-risk transactions. Leverage our deep technical expertise to give you peace of mind that your organization conducts its affairs according to the highest standards of business ethics.
The Supreme Court Ruling on Wayfair v. South Dakota has caused quite a stir as states issue changes to their sales tax rules. The new law requires out-of-state individuals and businesses to collect and remit sales tax. Companies are scrambling to research changes in the physical nexus rules of each state to ensure compliance and avoid huge penalties.
As a U.S.-based business working with clients in every state, we performed our own sales and use tax risk assessment using data analytics and we are ready to help you navigate the complexities of this new mandate.
Stay ahead of risks (and headaches) by letting our team of experts handle it all including:
Acquiring the right data and resources needed to complete a sales tax risk assessment
Calculating the estimated sales tax
Establishing an easy-to-use workflow to determine which customers and products meet the sales tax requirements
Eliminate the guesswork, risks and potential fines by putting data analytics to work.