Audimation's CaseWare Analytics Certification prep courses prepare you to secure the standard accreditation that distinguishes you as an expert user of CaseWare IDEA®. Our programs aid in your professional development from daily analysis and audit work to more advanced technical skills and higher-level functions that will deliver greater insights, and ultimately enable you to make quick and more informed decisions.
Why You Need to Get Certified![CaseWare IDEA Logo - Audimation Services is Sole U.S. Distributor of IDEA](
- Obtain professional recognition in your industry as a thought leader
- Become an increasingly valuable asset to your organization
- Gain a competitive edge in your field and stay on top of your game
- Acquire your Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits when attending the training courses required for the exam
Click here to view all of our learning solutions for upskilling in data analytics or more targeted functions in IDEA.