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IUC 2020 - Session Recordings

What's the Big IDEA?

What's the Big IDEA?

Mark Mayeux, MBA, Internal Auditor - H&E Equipment Services

Learning any new software takes time and patience. When Mark Mayeux began using IDEA in early 2017, he recalls being stymied with fear after taking his first hands-on training course and questioned how to apply it in the real-world audits that he was conducting. Like many rookie users, he thought, “Great, I have IDEA…now what?” Experience Mark’s transition from novice to an avid user, including his hard-won fight to transition Excel advocates into analytics advocates. He will share examples from a recent project including visualization, testing tools, and common functions to deliver high-quality results.

Learning Objectives

  • Strategies to achieve rapid results

  • Applications within IDEA to use starting Day One

  • Develop a game plan for moving Excel thinking into IDEA doing


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