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IUC 2020 - Session Recordings

Building Quantitative Fraud Models Using Intelligence Analysis Tradecraft

Building Quantitative Fraud Models Using Intelligence Analysis Tradecraft

Jason Lee, CFA, Chief Fraud Officer - Threat Playbook, LLC

Most modern financial models produce dashboards of statistics, patterns, and visual trends that are open to interpretation. Structured Analytical Techniques used in government have successfully introduced behavioral constructs, factoring in real-life scenarios that quantitative data alone could not produce. This session demonstrates how fraud analysts and investigators are developing new methodologies to answer key questions about financial deception, factoring in qualitative data into traditional quantitative models to produce practical output for actionable decision making.

Learning Objectives

  • Using structured analytic techniques and quantitative data to produce visualization models

  • Apply intelligence-driven methodologies to assess complex problems

  • Incorporating technology to build and execute better fraud and quantitative risk models


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