The following tests are relevant where the accounts are either commercial or personal loans.
Stratify balances and create a summary file
Analyze balances and interest rates by risk rating
Analyze the file over internal accounts and customer account types
Analyze interest margin on accounts by type
Analyze load portfolio by servicing officer, location, loan type, etc.
Review and analyze underlying collateral on loans secured by Accounts Receivable and Inventory
Summarize load portfolio information based on data in any field
Summarize loans by collateral and purpose to analyze portfolio risk
Cast (or total) accrued interest, balance
Reprove arrears calculations and reporting
Check interest and service fee calculations
Matching and Comparing
Use cross-matching techniques to pick up multiple loans to the same address
Compare balances at different periods to identify movements
Exception Tests
Identify staff loans
Identify large loans
Identify loans with unusual interest rates
Identify balances greater than original advances
Identify negative balances
Create custom reports on new, renewed and past due loans
Other useful tests include stratifying interest rates against each risk rating. Generally higher risk loans should bear a higher rate of interest. The analysis followed by exception testing can pick up anomalies or branches/individuals that are either risky or particularly prudent in their lending.
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Published in College & University Auditor - Fall 2015
Purchasing card (P-Card) spending is on the rise, particularly among colleges and universities...
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