McGraw-Hill Education Teams Up with IDEA Academic Partnership
McGraw-Hill Education has announced a new collaboration with the IDEA Academic Partnership to incorporate data analytics software and resources into three auditing publications to help give college and university students professional experience and develop critical thinking skills. This partnership will allow accounting students to use innovative technology to deepen their understanding of concepts and topics from the classroom and beyond. McGraw-Hill Education's partnership with Audimation Services is a continued effort to strategically align with companies who focus on advancing education through technology.
Each of the three auditing publications includes a fully-functional education version of CaseWare IDEA with the capability to analyze up to 5,000 records, and an electronic version of the IDEA Workbook. The Workbook provides case studies and data sets to help students learn how and where to apply data analytics through applied learning including importing data, performing various audit tests, reporting findings and automating repeatable processes.
The IDEA Academic Partnership, which is sponsored by CaseWare Analytics and Audimation Services, Inc., currently supports nearly 300 U.S. colleges and universities by providing in-kind software donations, resources and technical support to help students gain a competitive edge. Participation is offered at no cost to the university, and provides educators with a variety of resources to help students learn data analytics techniques through hands-on instruction
“McGraw-Hill Education incorporates industry experts, technology innovators and best practices into the materials they publish,” said Carolyn Newman, President, Audimation Services. “For more than a decade, McGraw-Hill [Education] has led the way in preparing students for careers in audit and accounting by giving them access to relevant materials, professional tools and content developed by professionals. By including CaseWare IDEA and the resources we offer through the academic partnership into these publications, they are helping professors prepare students for career placement and advancement, and we’re excited to be a part of that effort.”
IDEA is used by thousands of accounting, audit and financial professionals throughout the world. The partnership between McGraw-Hill Education and the IDEA Academic Partnership provides students access to resources, tools and assistance to develop real-world skills using professional software, which will prepare them for employment and rapid advancement.
For more information about Audimation Services, Inc. or CaseWare Analytics visit or call 888.641.2800. For questions about the IDEA Academic Partnership contact [email protected].