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Tech Tip: Using Top Records Extraction

One of the critical advantages data analytics delivers is the ability to slice and dice data, then search for any anomolies or anything else out of place that may indicate a potential fraud. IDEA’s Top Records Extraction feature, makes it easy to reveal risky transactions, spot big spenders, or search for dates and amounts that require further investigation.


In a previous Tech Tip, we shared instructions for Working with Max-Min Date Fields. Here is how Now we are going to cover how to quickly locate the most recent date of a customer invoice.


Below are some ideal times to use the “Top Records” extraction feature within the IDEA® platform:

• Top expenses by department
• Top vendors by year
• Top payees by department
• Top sales
• Define fields by day of the week, weekends, and holidays
• Unit price per material code, location by month, or unit of measure
• Expense with unusual references


For this demonstration, we are using “Sample-Detailed Sales.IMD” file from the Samples Project Folder automatically installed with IDEA®

  1. Select “Top Records” from the “Extract” section within the “Analysis” tab.
  2. Enter the number of records per grouping to extract.
  3. Select type: “Top or Bottom Records.”
  4. Select “Field” from the drop-down for the top or bottom criteria (INV_DATE) and choose the fields to group/sort.
  5. Clicking the “Fields” button to the right allows you to select the other field(s) from the record to include.
  6. “All” are selected by default.
  7. Click “Ok” and the result delivered will be the last or most recent date invoiced by each customer.

We’re here to help you put data analytics to work with support every step of the way!

Please contact our experts via the Help Desk for assistance utilizing any of IDEA’s features or functions.

Best Practices , CaseWare IDEA , Tech Tip

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By Kris Willison
Kris joined the Professional Services team in January of 2015 as a Solutions Specialist. She has an extensive background in Software and Database Development accumulated from thirty years in IT support with twenty years’ experience in database development, cleanup, audit and migration using Microsoft Access. In her time with Audimation, she has received client praise for her “Top Tier” engagement on Monitor and Scripting projects. Kris enjoys looking at problems from new angles to determine the most efficient means of meeting the clients’ needs. Kris has been breeding/showing purebred Balinese cats since 1972 and Oriental Longhairs since 1996. She also hosts one of the largest online pedigree database sites for Siamese and related breeds with nearly 600 users worldwide.

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